Informing Australia on vehicle crime.
An initiative of Australian governments and the insurance industry, our mission is to deliver a culture of continuous and sustainable vehicle theft reduction in Australia by advancing reform and cooperation between industry, government and community stakeholders.
7 in 10 cars are stolen with their own keys.
Help us to prevent car theft via residential burglary.
Operating philosophy
The NMVTRC is committed to developing common goals with stakeholders through the promotion of the economic and social benefits of reduced vehicle theft. Its credibility will be judged by the quality of its proposals for change.
NMVTRC annual report, strategic plan and other reports such as the technical guide for the classification of write-offs. Also our regular publications Theft Watch, Theft Torque, Theft Matters and more.
View publicationsStatistics
The NMVTRC's CARS service collect details on every vehicle theft reported to Australian police. A wide range of interactive data tools and services are available at a national, state and local level.
View statisticsThe facts
Get the facts and security tips for car theft, motorcycle theft and how to safely purchase a used vehicle.
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