Car security begins at home
Most of us rely on our cars – whether it is for work or uni, taking the kids to school, or for social activities. Having a car stolen is stressful, inconvenient and costly. View our ad campaign, follow some simple steps to safeguard your keys and complete our free home security audit. Help us spread the word that car security begins at home.
What signs do burglars look for when targeting homes?
The majority of home burglaries are opportunistic, with burglars targeting those houses they perceive as providing the easiest and quickest access points. A recent study found that security and accessibility were the top priority for burglars. Houses with minimal security were considered prime targets. Thieves also look for houses that provide seclusion from the street and where there is a lack of activity. If there is a car in the driveway and the keys can be easily found, this is even better.
In the majority of cases, opportunistic thieves will simply look for open doors and windows - and they find them. The top four most common mistakes made my home owners include leaving:
In the majority of cases, opportunistic thieves will simply look for open doors and windows - and they find them. The top four most common mistakes made my home owners include leaving:
- windows open
- valuables in view
- keys by doorways
- Parcels or mail out
Social media is also a concern with some thieves being known to 'scope out' unoccupied premises this way. Be sure to keep personal information to a minimum when using sites such as Facebook and Twitter and avoid posting status updates that inform others of your movements.
The most effective theft deterrents were found to be:
- Having a dog
- Working alarm systems
- Lights being on inside the house
- Grilled windows/doors
- High visibility of property from road
- Sensor lights
- Gates
Importantly, get to know your neighbours. They will be able to assist in noticing any suspicious activity around your premises and collecting mail and moving rubbish bins when you are away for an extended period of time.
What is your theft risk?
View our car thieves go to great
lengths brochure for tips.

What is the risk of your car being stolen?
This simple five star rating shows what cars
are most at risk of being stolen in Australia.

Search for a locality and view a quick local theft
profile to find out how many motor vehicles
were stolen in your area in the past year.
View our car thieves go to great
lengths brochure for tips.

What is the risk of your car being stolen?
This simple five star rating shows what cars
are most at risk of being stolen in Australia.

Search for a locality and view a quick local theft
profile to find out how many motor vehicles
were stolen in your area in the past year.

What can you do
Enhance your home's security - a secure home means a secure car
- Keep trees and shrubs well-trimmed in order to provide a clear line of sight to the street and reduce potential hiding places.
- Ideally front fences should allow clear visibility to the front door and any windows.
- External doors and frames should be of solid construction and fitted with quality deadlocks which comply with AS 4145.1:2008.
- Fit quality key-operated lock sets to windows.
- Lock doors and windows when gardening or working outside or in an isolated part of the house.
- Keep your garage locked to restrict unauthorised access.
- Motion activated external security lighting can deter intruders.
- Consider installing a home alarm system that meets AS/NZS 2201.1:2007.
- Plan and discuss with your family or housemates what to do in the event that you or they encounter an intruder entering or already in your home.
- Download and conduct our free home security audit.
Safeguard your keys - they are worth as
much as the value of your car
- Always store car keys out of view and away from external doors and windows.
- Thieves mostly target the master bedroom first, followed by the living room and home office.
- If the car is at home but you are out, make sure you have all the keys with you. (When you are out, don't leave keys unattended in bags, lockers or the like.)
- Don't tag your keys with your name or address - use a mobile phone number or driver licence number instead.
- If your home has been broken into and your keys are stolen, change the cylinders in the locks or fit additional locks.
- Never leave a spare set of house or car keys in your car.
- Be a good neighbour. If you notice any suspicious activity report it immediately to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or police on 131 444 in all states except Victoria. In Victoria contact your local police station.